Notify Icon Properties in VB.NET
Notify icon properties in VB.NET?
Notify Icon Properties
Following table lists the Properties, Methods, Events used commonly with the Notify Icon Control in Visual 2008.
Properties |
Description |
ContextMenu |
Property gets or sets the context menu for the tray icon. |
Icon |
Property used to Get or sets the current icon. |
Text |
Property used to Get or set the tooltip text when mouse hovers the icon. |
Visible |
Property to used to make the icon visible or invisible. |
Method |
Description |
Dispose |
Method used to release all the resources used by the component. |
Finalize |
Method used to release all unmanaged resources, do cleanup operation before garbage collection. |
GetService |
Method used to return the object that represents the service provided by that componenet. |
GetType |
Method used to get the type of current Instance. |
ShowBalloonTips |
Method used to display a balloon tip for the specified timeperiod. |
Events |
Description |
Click |
Triggered when the icon the in the system tray is clicked. |
DoubleClick |
Triggered when the icon the in the system tray is double clicked. |
MouseDown |
Triggered when the user presses the mouse button on the icon. |
MouseMove |
Triggered when the user moves the mouse over the icon. |
MouseUp |
Triggered when the user releases the mouse button on the icon. |