Link Label Properties in VB.NET

What are the properties of link label in VB.NET?


Link Label Properties

Following tables lists the commonly used Properties, Methods, Events of the Link Label Control in Visual 2008.
Properties Description
TextAlign Text alignment is set using this property either to right or left by giving values 0 or 1
Text Property used for the label text.
Height This property is used to specify height of the control.
Width This property is used to specify the width of the control.
BackStyle Property used to make a label transparent or opaque.
Autosize Property is used to adjust the label text horizontally.
WordWrap Property is used to adjust the label vertically.
ActiveLinkColor Property used to specify the color of the active link.
DisabledLinkColor Property used to specify the color of the disabled link.
LinkColor Property is used to specify the color for a normal link.
VisitedLinkColor Property is used to specify the color for a visited link.
Events Description
LinkClicked Triggered when the link is clicked.

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