Interfaces in VB.NET

How to use Interfaces in VB.NET?


Interfaces in 2008.

Interfaces in are used to define the class members using a keyword Interface, without actually specifying how it should be implemented in a Class. Intefaces are examples for multiple Inheritance and are implemented in the classes using the keyword Implements that is used before any Dim statement in a class.

Module Module1
Public Interface Interface1
Function Add(ByVal x As Integer) As Integer
End Interface
Public Class first
Implements Interface1
Public Function Add(ByVal x As Integer)
As Integer Implements Interface1.Add
Console.WriteLine("Implementing x+x
in first class::" & (x + x))
End Function
End Class
Public Class second
Implements Interface1
Public Function Add(ByVal x As Integer)
As Integer Implements Interface1.Add
Console.WriteLine("Implementing x+x+x
in second class::" & (x + x + x))
End Function
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim obj1 As New first
Dim obj2 As New second
End Sub
End Module

Implementing x+x in first class:: 20
Implementing x+x+x in second class:: 150

In the above example interface Interface1 is implemented in classes first and second but differently to add the value of 'x' twice and thrice respectively.

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