Check Box Properties in VB.NET

What are all the Common Check Box Properties in VB.NET?


Check Box Properties in VB.NET

Following tables lists the commonly used Properties, Methods, Events with the Check Box Control is Visual 2008.
Properties Description
Appearance Property used to set or get the appearance of a checkbox.
AutoCheck Property used to specify whether to change appearance automatically when the checkbox is clicked.
CheckAlign Property is used to get or set horizontal and vertical alignment of a checkbox in a control.
Checked Property is used to set or get the value indicating if the checkbox is in checked state.
CheckState Property is used to set or get state of a three state checkbox.
FlatStyle Property set or get flatstyle appearance of the checkbox.
Image Property is used to get or set the image displayed in checkbox.
ImageAlign Property is used to set or get alignment of the image on a checkbox.
ImageList Property used to set or get the image list that contains the image displayed in a checkbox.
ImageIndex Property used to set or get the image list index of the image displayed in the checkbox.
ThreeState Property is used to specify if the checkbox will allow three check states rather than two.
Events Description
AppearanceChanged Triggered when the Appearance property is changed.
CheckedChanged Triggered when the Checked property is changed.
CheckStateChanged Triggered when the CheckState property is changed.

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