Asc Function in VB.NET

How to Convert String to Ascii code in VB.NET?


Asc() Function in VB.NET - Convert String to Ascii

Asc Function in Visual 2008 is used to return the character ascii code for the first character in the string.

Function Asc(ByVal String As Char) As Integer

In the above syntax, String specifies the string whose first character is used to return the character code.

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Character Code of B
in Box is::" & Asc("Box"))
Console.WriteLine("Character Code of A
in A is::" & Asc("A"))
End Sub
End Module

Character Code of B in Box is:: 66
Character Code of A in A is:: 65

In the above example, the character ascii code for 'B' and 'A' are returned as '66' and '65' respectivley. Convert a string to its ASCII representation may be useful when you're producing the code for HTML forms with hidden/visible field.

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