mysql_field_table Function in PHP

What is mysql_field_table() function in PHP?
How does mysql_field_table works?


mysql_field_table() function returns the table name of specified field in the result set.
string mysql_field_table ( resource result, int field_offset)

Returns the table name of a specified field name on success, or FALSE on failure
mysql_field_table() function returns the name of the table where a specified field is located. Field can be specified by passing result set returned by mysql_query() and field index. mysql_field_table() function find and returns table name of field specified by the field index. Field index value starts from '0'.

// Attempt to connect to the default database server
$link = mysql_connect("mysql_host", "mysql_user", "mysql_password")
or die ("Could not connect");
//select database
$db_select = mysql_selectdb("mydb",$link);
//returns result set on executing the query
$result=mysql_query("select * from content",$link);
//Find and returns the table name of specified field
$table = mysql_field_table($result, 1);
echo "Table Name of specified field: $table";

Table Name of specified field: Content

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