bg Linux Commands

What is Linux bg Command?



bg command is used to place a job in background. User can run a job in the background by adding a "&" symbol at the end of the command.


bg [options] [job]


-l Report the process group ID and working directory of the jobs.
-p Report only the process group ID of the jobs.
-x Replace any job_id found in command or arguments with the corresponding process group ID, then execute command passing it arguments.
job Specifies the job that want to run in the background.


  1. To Run a process in background
    kmail- start the email client application.
    Press ctrl+z to stop the current job.
    Now just type bg to move last stopped job to background.
  2. To move the specified job to back ground:
    Lets start some three jobs and suspend those process in background.
    kmail- start the email client application.
    Press ctrl+z to stop the current job.
    xmms- music player application.
    Press ctrl+z to stop the current job.
    sleep 120- a dummy job.
    Press ctrl+z to stop the current job.
    The above command will display the jobs in the shell.
    kmail [2]- Stopped
    xmms [3]+ Stopped
    sleep 120
    bg 2
    The above command will start running the xmms application. In such way you can start running the specific background process.
    jobs [1]- Stopped
    kmail [2]
    xmms & [3]+ Stopped
    sleep 120

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