DOM Insert Inside Elements

Listed below the DOM methods that allows to insert a data inside the exisiting elements.

Append: .append()

.append() method allows to insert or append content to the end of the specified element.

Append To:.appendTo()

.appendTo() is more or less similar to “append" which allows to insert or append content to the end of the specified element.

Prepend: .prepend()

.prepend() method allows to insert or append content at the beginning of the specified element.

Prepend To: .prependTo()

.prependTo() is more or less similar to “prepend" which allows to insert or appends content to the beginning of the specified element.

HTML: .html()

.html() method allows to insert html style to the matched element. You can change the HTML style of the text in a particular element.

Text: .text()

.text() method allows to insert text to the matched element. You can combine the text of elements or even replace the text in a particular element.

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