Document Property & Method

Document object, properties and method/function associated with it!


more of the properties that can be used with document object to get string url, page modified time, etc..

linkColorProperty "linkColor" is used to set/get value of link attribute of body tag. Code To Get:
var dd = document.linkColor;

Code To Set:

document.linkColor = "afefaa";

lastModifiedProperty "lastModified" is used to get the time at which the document or web page was last modified. Code To Get:
var dd = document.lastModified;

referrerProperty "referrer" is used to get the url or link of the referrer document or web page from which the user has reached this page. Code To Get:
var dd = document.referrer;

titleProperty "title" is used to set or get title of the document using javascript. Code To Get:
var dd = document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].text;

Code To Set:
document.title = "test title";

urlProperty "url" is used to get the url string of current page or document. Code To Get:
var dd = document.url;

vlinkColorProperty "vlinkColor" is used to get/set the "visited link" color attribute of body tag. Code To Get:
var dd = document.vlinkColor;

Code To Set:
document.vlinkColor = "afafdd";


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