Special/ASCII Characters in HTML


The ASCII characters listed below shows the value for each special character in HTML and a brief description of the symbol. It shows how to add ascii characters into the webpage using HTML.For example copyright symbol '©' can be displayed using the following code in html "©".
SymbolHTML CodeNumerical valuesDescription
‘‘Left single-quote
’’Right single-quote
““Left double quotes
””Right double quotes
{-{Left curly braces
}-}Right curly braces
?-?Question mark
=-=Equal sign
(-(Left paranthesis
)-)Right paranthesis
!-!Exclamation mark
'-'Single Quote
/-/Forward slash
\-\Back slash
[-[Left Square bracket
]-]Right Square bracket
-•Small bullet
‰‰Per million symbol
|-|Vertical bar
ÑÑÑN tilde(enye)
ÒÒÒO grave
ÓÓÓO acute
ÔÔÔO circumflex
ÕÕÕO tidle
ÖÖÖO umlaut
ØØØO slash
ÙÙÙU grave
ÚÚÚU acute
ÛÛÛU circumflex
ÜÜ ÜU umlaut
ÝÝÝY acute
ßßßSZ ligature
áááa acute
àààa grave
âââa circumflex
ãããa tilde
äääa umlaut
åååa ring
æææae ligature
çççc cedilla
èèèe grave
ééée acute
êêêe circumflex

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