Polymorphism and OOPs concept in C++

How is Polymorphism used in OOPs concept of C++?


Polymorphism is the ability of an object or reference to take many different forms at different instances. These are of two types one is the "compile time polymorphism" and other one is the "run-time polymorphism".

Compile time polymorphism:

In this method object is bound to the function call at the compile time itself.

Run time polymorphism:

In this method object is bound to the function call only at the run time.

Example :

#include <iostream.h> class Value
int val;
void set_values (int a)
{ val=a;}
}; class Cube: public Value
int cube()
{ return (val*val*val); }
}; int main () {
Cube cb;
Value * ptr = &cb;
ptr->set_values (10);
cout << "The cube of 10 is::" << cb.cube() << endl;
return 0; }

Result :

The cube of 10 is:: 1000

In the above OOPs example "Cube" is a derived class of "Value". To implement polymorphism a pointer "ptr" is used to reference to the members of the class "Cube". This is an example for "Compile time polymorphism."

In this method object is bound to the function call only at the run time.

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