Free Form Builder Tool
Online Form Builder Tool helps you to create web forms for your website. Just copy the code and paste on your web page.
Form Builder Tool
Fill the following details
- Make use of free Online form generator Tool to create your forms absolutely FREE!
- Simple and easy way to create web mailer.
- You will be able to place unlimited fields.
- Produces php mailer code if required.
- You will be able to generate any kind of fields such as Text, Password, Select, Radio Buttons, Checkbox, Text Areas etc.,
- An Email alert sent or every new data entry.
- Builder is extremely fast and reliable.
- Don't wait... go ahead and create your own webforms as you need with web based email support.
- Tested to work in IE, Firefox, Opera.
- Create your own webforms by filling the form details.
- Enter the name and also select the method(POST or GET).
- Select 'Enable E-mail Support' option if you want to receive mail from your user when they submit the form.
- Note:php mailer funtion has to be enabled in your webserver.
- When you select mailer option, you must specify the mail-id to which you would like to receive mails.
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