HBS 2.0 shows the internet web browsers usage statistics of your web page. Know how users look in to your site. Understand which browsers your users often use. Added Features: In this version the statistics view page has been separated from the monitor page. Monitors 9 most used browsers and orders stats by number of hits.
Browser usage statistics in hit and percentage basis.
Shows the stats of internet explorer, firefox, safari, mozilla, lynx, opera, webtv, Konqueror and others.
The HBS(statistics) will restart its count by itself on 1st of every month.
Also stores the previous month statistics that will help us compare browser growth.
For customization of this script or any script development, mail to support@hscripts.com
Unzip HBS_2_0.zip. you will get HBS/browser.php, HBS/hioxstats.php, HBS/hioxupdate.php, HBS/README.txt and admin/*.
Set read, write permissions to the file browser.php and HBS/admin/passwo.php (This is only for the LINUX Users, It is not necessary for Windows user
create admin account using HBS/admin/newuser.php
Now, get the first code from the page HBS2.0/admin/code.php and insert in the page for which the monitoring has to be done.
Get the second code from the same page and use it once in the page where you want to display the stats.
NOTE 1: You can place the test file anywhere inside the /public_html. For example: Your test file - /public_html/test-browser-used.php HBS2.0 package - /public_html/HBS2.0/*
NOTE 2: Your file's should be named with .php extension. [if your filename is test.html rename it to test.php]