This is a FREE Web Page UNIQUE visitor COUNTER. This free Unique Visitor counter can be used in any html page with PHP support, easy and quick to install. This PHP visitor counter is a reliable web page counter to measure number of unique visitors for your website. A page visit from a host will be counting only once per day. That is even if a visitor click on same link 20 odd times, he is counted as only once.
Web visitor counter that counts the unique visitors for a web page.
This script counts only unique visitors based on the visitor's ip-address.
This php script works based on date or day. The visit from an ip-address to a web page will be counted only once every day or date.
For example if a visitor visits the page on the 23rd hour of a day and again on the 2nd hour of next day he is treated as 2 different unique visitors.
Initial or starting visitor count or the total visitor count can be set by setting the value in the Get Code page.