Operating System Deduction

Operating system deduction javascript is used in order to find which operating system we are working with.


  • You can find which operating system you are working with.
  • You can also find the name of the operating system using this javascript.
  • Just copy the code from the given textarea and use it.



Javascript Code
<!-- Script by hscripts.com -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function os()
var os = navigator.platform;
os = os.toLowerCase();
if(os == "win32" || os == "win16")
document.osd.opr.value="You are using Windows operating system";
else if(os.indexOf("linux") >= 0)
document.osd.opr.value="You are using Linux operating system";
else if(os.indexOf("mac") >= 0)
document.osd.opr.value="You are using Mac operating system";
<!-- Script by hscripts.com -->

<table border=0 align=center width=48%>
<body onload="os()">
<form name=osd>
<input type=text name=opr size=40 style="position: absolute; background-color:#454545; text-align:center; color:white; font-family:arial,verdhana; font-weight:bold;">
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  • Here we have explained with form
  • Creating a form
  • <body onload="os()">
       <form name=osd>
       <input type=text name=opr size=40 style="position: absolute;
       background-color:#454545; text-align:center; color:white;
       font-family:arial,verdhana; font-weight:bold;">
  • Here <body onload="os()"> is used in order to display the name of operating system whenever the form is loaded.
  • In javascript "navigator.platform" will results the name of operating system you are using.
  • Copy the code and use it.


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