Javascript Scientific Calculator

  A simple online Javascript scientific calculator. Perform various advanced math operations including sin, cos, tan, log, exp, square, squareroot using this calculator.


  • Complex mathematical operations can be performed with accurate results.
  • The trignometric functions work in radians, degree or grade.
  • This online scientific calculator finds asin, acos, atan operations.
  • Memory functions such as store and recall have been included.
  • Copy and paste the below javascript code into the web page, at where you want to run the calculator.


Rad Deg Grad H


JavaScript Code
<!--Script by>
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<script type="text/javascript">
var abc = "0"
var def = 0
var ghi = 0
var jkl = 3
var mno = 0
var decimal = 0
var enter = "";
function memory(operator)
if (operator == 1) {
// MSdocument.pqr.mem.value = document.pqr.resultant.value
else if (operator == 2)
// MR
var mem = document.pqr.mem.value;
if (mem==0 || chracter(mem.charAt(0))) {mem = ""};
document.pqr.stu.value += mem
else if (operator == 3) {
// CLS
if (document.pqr.stu.value == "") {
document.pqr.resultant.value = ""
else {
document.pqr.stu.value = ""
} } function display(xyz) {
if (xyz=="")
{} } function cdef(xyz) {
document.pqr.stu.value += xyz } function factorial(n) {
if ((n == 0) || (n == 1)) {
return 1
else {
var opqrst = (n * factorial(n-1));
return opqrst
} } function chracter(valuer) {
for (var i=0; i<chracter.length; i++)
if (valuer == chracter.charAt(i)) {return true} {return false} } function ghij(klmn) {
var qrstu = "";
var mem = 0;
if (klmn >= 1) {
if (document.pqr.stu.value == "") {
abc = document.pqr.resultant.value
else {

abc = document.pqr.stu.value;
if (resultant(abc.charAt(0))) {
abc = document.pqr.resultant.value + abc
} for (var i=0; i<abc.length; i++) {
if (abc.charAt(i) == ",") {qrstu += "."}
else if (abc.charAt(i) == " ") {}
else {qrstu += abc.charAt(i)}
if (operator(abc.charAt(abc.length-1))) {return false};
qrstu = eval("1*" + qrstu);
if (klmn > 1) {
qrstu = mathcalc(klmn, qrstu)
document.pqr.oldresultant.value = qrstu;
document.pqr.stu.value = "";
document.pqr.stu.focus() } function mathcalc(klmn, mno) { with (Math) {
if (klmn == 2) {
mno = pow(mno, 2)
else if (klmn == 3) {
mno = sqrt(mno)
else if (klmn == 4) {
mno = -mno
else if (klmn == 5) {
mno = log(mno)
else if (klmn == 6) {
mno = pow(E, mno)
else if (klmn == 7) {
mno = 1/mno
else if (klmn == 8) {
mno = log(mno)/LN10
else if (klmn == 9) {
mno = pow(10, mno)
else if (klmn >= 10 && klmn <= 12) {
if (klmn == 10) {
mno = atan(mno)
else if (klmn == 11) {
mno = acos(mno)
else if (klmn == 12) {
mno = asin(mno)
if (document.pqr.vwxyz[1].checked) {mno = (mno * 180) / PI}
else if (klmn >= 14 && klmn <= 16) {
if (document.pqr.vwxyz[1].checked)
{radian = (mno / 180) * PI}
{radian = mno};
if (klmn == 14) {
mno = tan(radian)
else if (klmn == 15) {
mno = cos(radian)
else if (klmn == 16) {
mno = sin(radian)
else if (klmn == 17) {
mno = mno/100
else if (klmn == 18) {
mno = mno/1000000
else if (klmn == 20) {
mno = factorial(mno)
else if (klmn == 21) {
jkl = prompt("Kindly enter exponent", 3);
mno = pow(mno, jkl)
else if (klmn == 22) {
jkl = prompt("Kindly enter root", 3);
mno = pow(mno, (1/jkl))
return mno } } function validatenum(data,e) {
return false;
return true;
} } function result(eabc) { decimal=parseFloat(document.pqr.xyzab.options[document.pqr.xyzab.selectedIndex].value);
var strabc = eabc + " ";
if (strabc.charAt(0) == ".") {strabc = "0" + strabc};
var intabc = strabc.length - 1;
if (intabc > 16 && ghi == -1) {
if (decimal == -1) {decimal = 14};
strabc = xyzab(strabc.substring(0,intabc)) + " ";
intabc = strabc.length - 1;
if (decimal >= 0 && decimal != 14) {
if (def > 0) {
var opqrst = xyzab(strabc.substring(0,intabc))
else {
eabc = strabc.substring(0,intabc);
if (decimal > 0) {
eabc += ".";
for (var n = 0; n < decimal; n++) {
eabc += "0"
var opqrst = eabc
else {
decimal = 14;
var opqrst = xyzab(strabc)
if (opqrst.charAt(0) == ".") {opqrst = "0" + opqrst};
document.pqr.resultant.value = opqrst; } function decklmn(data1) {
def = 0;
ghi = 0;
def = data1.indexOf(".");
ghi = data1.indexOf("e") } function resultant(valuer) {
var resultant="*/+";
for (var i=0; i<resultant.length; i++)
if (valuer == resultant.charAt(i)) {return true}
return false } function xyzab(data1) { with (Math) {
if (ghi == -1) {
var value = def;
if (value == -1) {value = data1.length};
var value1 = "";
if (value > 16) {var value2 = round(data1*pow(10, 18)) + " ";
var value3 = value2.indexOf("e");
var valuek = (value2.substring(0,value3));
valuek = round(valuek*pow(10, 15))/pow(10, 15) + " ";
value1 = (value2.substring(value3+2,value2.length-1));
value1 = "e+" + (value1-18)
else {
var valuek = round(data1*pow(10, decimal))/pow(10, decimal) + " "
else {
var valuek = data1.substring(0,ghi);
var value1 = data1.substring(ghi,data1.length);
valuek = round(valuek*pow(10, decimal))/pow(10, decimal) + " "
valuek = valuek.substring(0,valuek.length - 1);
if (valuek.charAt(0) == ".") {valuek = "0" + valuek};
if (decimal < 14) {
if (valuek.indexOf(".") == -1 && decimal != 0) {valuek += "."};
var nula = (def + decimal) - (valuek.length - 1);
if (nula > 0 && decimal > 0) {
for (var n = 0; n < nula; n++) {
valuek += "0"
return (valuek + " " + value1) } } function operator(valuer) {
var dashop="*/+-";
for (var i=0; i<dashop.length; i++)
if (valuer == dashop.charAt(i)) {return true}
return false } function backspace() { var input=document.getElementById('stu').value; var out=input.substring(0, input.length - 1) document.getElementById('stu').value=out; } function runScript(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
} } function ctck() {
var sds = document.getElementById("dum");
if(sds == null){
alert("You are using a free package.\n You are not allowed to remove the tag.\n"); }
var sdss = document.getElementById("dumdiv");
if(sdss == null){
alert("You are using a free package.\n You are not allowed to remove the tag.\n"); } } </script>


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<body onLoad="ctck()">
<form name="pqr">
<input type="hidden" name="oldresultant" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="mem" value="">
<div align="center">
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 class='tabstyle'> <tr>
<td align="center" valign="middle">
width="100%" cellspacing=3 cellpadding=1 class='innertable'> <tr>
<td align="center" valign="middle" width="100%">
<input type="text"
SIZE="16" name="resultant" value=""
readonly onFocus="display(document.pqr.resultant.value)" STYLE="FONT-SIZE: 14pt; HEIGHT: 30px; width: 249px"> </td> </tr> </table> <table
cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0 class='innertable'> <tr>
<td colspan=5 align=center valign=middle>
<SELECT style='display:none;' NAME=xyzab SIZE="1" onChange="if (document.pqr.oldresultant.value != '') {result(document.pqr.oldresultant.value)}; document.pqr.stu.focus()"> <OPTION VALUE=-1 SELECTED>decimal</OPTION> </SELECT> <input type="radio" name="vwxyz" checked title="Radians" onClick="document.pqr.stu.focus()"><a href="javascript:document.pqr.vwxyz[0].click()" style='text-decoration:none;' onMouseOver="self.status='Radians'; return true">Rad</a> <input type="radio" name="vwxyz" title="Degree" onClick="document.pqr.stu.focus()"><a href="javascript:document.pqr.vwxyz[1].click()"
style='text-decoration:none;' onMouseOver="self.status='Degrees'; return true">Deg</a> <input type="radio" name="vwxyz" title="Gradient" onClick="document.pqr.stu.focus()"><a href="javascript:document.pqr.vwxyz[2].click()" style='text-decoration:none;' onMouseOver="self.status='Degrees'; return true">Grad</a> <span align=center style="font-size: 10px; color:green;" id="dumdiv"> <a href="" id="dum" style="text-decoration:none; color: green;">©H</a></span> </td> </tr> <tr>
<td align=center valign=middle width="100%" colspan="5">
<input type="text" SIZE="17" name="stu" id="stu" value="" onkeyup='validatenum(this.value,event)' onChange=""
STYLE="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; HEIGHT: 25px; width: 200px"> </td> <td>
<input type="button" name="Cls" value="Cls" TITLE="Clear screen" onClick="memory(3)" class='mathfun' "> </td> </tr> <tr>
<td >
type="button" name="sqrt" value="sqrt" title="Square root" onClick="ghij(3)" class='mathfun' "> </td> <td>
type="button" name="root" value="root" title="Root" onClick="ghij(22)" class='mathfun'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="ln" value="ln" title="Natural logarithm" onClick="ghij(5)" class='mathfun'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="log" value="log" title="Common logarithm" onClick="ghij(8)" class='mathfun'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="tan" value="tan" title="Tangent" onClick="ghij(14)" class='mathfun'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="atan" value="atan" title="Arc tangent" onClick="ghij(10)" class='mathfun'> </td> </tr> <tr>
<td >
type="button" name="kvadrat" value="x^2" title="Square" onClick="ghij(2)" class='mathfun'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="potencija" value="x^y" title="Power" onClick="ghij(21)" class='mathfun'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="aln" value="e^x" title="Natural antilogarithm" onClick="ghij(6)" class='mathfun'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="alog" value="10^x" title="Common antilogarithm" onClick="ghij(9)" class='mathfun' align="left"> </td> <td>
type="button" name="cos" value="cos" title="Cosine" onClick="ghij(15)" class='mathfun'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="acos" value="acos" title="Arc cosine" onClick="ghij(11)" class='mathfun'> </td> </tr> <tr>
<td >
type="button" name="sign" value="+/-" title="Change sign" onClick="ghij(4)" class='mathfun'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="1/x" value="1/x" onClick="ghij(7)" class='mathfun'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="fact" value="x!" title="Factorial" onClick="ghij(20)" class='mathfun'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="PI" value="Pi" onClick="cdef(Math.PI)" class='mathfun'></td> <td>
type="button" name="sin" value="sin" title="Sine" onClick="ghij(16)" class='mathfun'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="asin" value="asin" title="Arc sine" onClick="ghij(12)" class='mathfun'> </td> </tr> <tr>
<td >
type="button" name="7" value="7" onClick="cdef(7)" class='number'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="8" value="8" onClick="cdef(8)" class='number'> </td> <td style="width: 28px">
type="button" name="9" value="9" onClick="cdef(9)" class='number'> </td> <td style="width: 22px">
type="button" name="djeljeno" value="/" onClick="cdef('/')" class='number'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="ppm" value="ppm" title="Part per milion" onClick="ghij(18)" class='mathfun1'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="MS" value="MS" title="Memory store" onClick="memory(1)" class='mathfun1'> </td> </tr> <tr>
<td >
type="button" name="4" value="4" onClick="cdef(4)" class='number'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="5" value="5" onClick="cdef(5)" class='number'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="6" value="6" onClick="cdef(6)" class='number'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="puta" value="*" onClick="cdef('*')" class='number'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="postotak" value="%" title="Percent" onClick="ghij(17)" class='mathfun1'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="MR" value="MR" title="Memory recall" onClick="memory(2)" class='mathfun1'> </td> </tr> <tr>
<td >
type="button" name="1" value="1" onClick="cdef(1)" class='number'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="2" value="2" onClick="cdef(2)" class='number'> </td> <td >
type="button" name="3" value="3" onClick="cdef(3)" class='number'> </td> <td >
type="button" name="minus" value="-" onClick="cdef('-')" class='number'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="lijevo" value="(" onClick="cdef('(')" class='mathfun1'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="desno" value=")" onClick="cdef(')')" class='mathfun1'> </td> </tr> <tr>
type="button" name="0" value="0" onClick="cdef(0)" class='number'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="." value="." onClick="cdef('.')" class='number'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="exp" value="E" onClick="cdef('e')" class='mathfun1'> </td> <td>
type="button" name="plus" value="+" onClick="cdef('+')" class='number'> </td> <td COLSPAN=2>
<input HEIGHT="32" type="button" name="enter" onClick="ghij(1)" value="=" STYLE="BACKGROUND: #CDCDCD; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; HEIGHT: 32px; width: 85px"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='3'> <input height="32" type="button" name="enter" onClick="ghij(1)" value="Enter" STYLE="BACKGROUND: #CDCDCD; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; HEIGHT: 32px; width: 120px"> </td> <td colspan='3'> <input height="32" type="button" name="Backspace" onClick="backspace()" value="Backspace" STYLE="BACKGROUND: #CDCDCD; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; HEIGHT: 32px; width: 120px"> </td> </tr>
</table> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </FORM>

   Style Code
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<style type='text/css'>
background: #CDCDCD;
font-size: 9pt; height: 28px;
width: 38px; font-family: Monaco, Verdana, Sans-serif;
} .mathfun1 { background: #CDCDCD;
font-size: 10pt; height: 32px;
width: 38px; font-family: Monaco, Verdana, Sans-serif;
} .number { background: #DEDEDE;
font-size: 12pt; height: 32px;
width: 38px; font-family: Monaco, Verdana, Sans-serif;
} .tabstyle{ font-family: Monaco, Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size:12px; background-color: #f9f9f9; border: 4px solid #D0D0D0; color: #002166; width:250px; -moz-border-radius:10px; -webkit-border-radius:10px; } .innertable{ font-family: Monaco, Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size:12px; background-color: #f9f9f9; color: #002166; width:250px; } </style>
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  • Just copy the code to your web page and place/fix where ever you need the javascript scientific calculator script to perform math operations online.


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