World Population Counter
This free javascript helps you to estimate the current world population. This free java script is developed based on simple math calculation, this java script increases 2.4452 people per second.This script mainly used for find the people statistics.
This javascript helps you to estimate worlds current population. This Java script increases by 2.4452 people per second. It finds the people statistics. Just copy and use for free.
<!--Script by> <!-- more scripts @ --> <script type="text/javascript"> function counter() { popstat=5946422755; poprate=2.4452; today=new Date() statsdate = new Date("February 1, 1999"); offset = today.getTimezoneOffset()*60*1000 diffpop = (( today.getTime() + offset ) - statsdate.getTime() ) / 1000 var newpop = Math.ceil(popstat + (diffpop * poprate)); newpop = "" + newpop; p1 = newpop.substring(0,1) p2 = newpop.substring(1,4) p3 = newpop.substring(4,7) p4 = newpop.substring(7,10) var pops= p1 + "," + p2 + "," + p3 + "," + p4; var popul = document.getElementById("poo"); popul.innerHTML = pops; setTimeout('counter()',200); } </script> <!-- Script by -->
Release Date - 07-04-2008 Get free version without ©copyright link for just $10/ -
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Copy and paste the above javascript code in
<head> tag
Just copy the below code where you want to print the people counter.
Population: <span id="poo" style="font-weight: bold"></span>people
Now just call the function counter() as follows inside the
<body> tag.
<body onLoad="counter()">
Note: The counter starts only if the function counter() is called inside the <body> tag.
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