Alphanumeric Validation Function
This script function will help you to validate a string / character for alphanumeric values.
- The javascript function will return false when the string that is passed contains character other than alphanumeric.
- It returns true on correct validation.
- Just copy the code in to your page and use it.
<!-- Script by -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function alphanumeric(alphane)
var numaric = alphane;
for(var j=0; j<numaric.length; j++)
var alphaa = numaric.charAt(j);
var hh = alphaa.charCodeAt(0);
if((hh > 47 && hh<58) || (hh > 64 && hh<91) || (hh > 96 && hh<123))
alert("Your Alpha Numeric Test Failed"); return false;
alert("Your Alpha Numeric Test Passed");
return true;
<!-- Script by -->
- Release Date - 15-12-2004
- Get free version without ©copyright link for just $10/-
- For customization of this script or any script development, mail to
- Here we have explained with a form
- Creating the form using following HTML code
<form name="test" onSubmit="return alphanumeric(test.mailf.value)">
<input name=mailf type=text>
<input type=submit value=validate>
The alphanumeric() function is triggered on submission of the form. Just copy the javascript code and use it for free.
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