The below displayed logo belongs to Alstom. This concern is Conglomerate based firm, launched in the year 1928. The hydro electric power generation is the main priority of this mulitnational firm.
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Free download of Alstom logo jpg, that can be used in web page or web site. Web Clipart Pictures of logos gif picture may range from 10 pixels to 250 pixels (small). The symbols are of different sizes for ease of use.
The above seen logo belongs to Alstom, Mr.Patrick Kron acts as the CEO and Chairman of this concern. Inaddition to the power manipulation, this concern also indulged in the transportation.
All the logotypes available for trade marks, products, icons, brands, here are the properties of their owners. The symbols usage without owner's permission is prohibited. does not bear any responsibility for any usage of logotypes from the web site without owner's permission.