Create Links in PDF -

How to Create Local Hyperlink to Pages in Same PDF inside .NET Apps

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This technical tip shows how .NET developers can create hyperlink to pages in same PDF using Aspose.Pdf for .NET. Aspose.Pdf for .NET provides great feature to PDF creation as well as its manipulation. It also offers the feature to add links to PDF pages and a link can either direct to pages in another PDF file, a web URL, link to launch an Application or even link to pages in same PDF file. In order to add local hyperlinks (links to pages in same PDF file), a class named LocalHyperlink is added to Aspose.Pdf namespace and this class has a property named TargetPageNumber, which is used to specify the target/destination page for hyperlink. In order to add the local hyperlink, we need to create a TextFragment so that link can be associated with the TextFragment. The TextFragment class has a property named Hyperlink which is used to associate LocalHyperlink instance. The following code snippet shows the steps to accomplish this requirement.

//C# Code Sample // create Document instance Document doc = new Document(); // add page to pages collection of PDF file Page page = doc.Pages.Add(); // create Text Fragment instance Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragment text = new Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragment("link page number test to page 7"); // create local hyperlink instance Aspose.Pdf.LocalHyperlink link = new Aspose.Pdf.LocalHyperlink(); // set target page for link instance link.TargetPageNumber = 7; // set TextFragment hyperlink text.Hyperlink = link; // add text to paragraphs collection of Page page.Paragraphs.Add(text); // create new TextFragment instance text = new TextFragment("link page number test to page 1"); // TextFragment should be added over new page text.IsInNewPage = true; // create another local hyperlink instance link = new LocalHyperlink(); // set Target page for second hyperlink link.TargetPageNumber = 1; // set link for second TextFragment text.Hyperlink = link; // add text to paragraphs collection of page object page.Paragraphs.Add(text); // create a loop instance for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) // add blank pages to PDF file doc.Pages.Add(); // save resultant file doc.Save("c:/pdftest/LocalHyperLink.pdf"); //VB.NET Code Sample ' create Document instance Dim doc As Document = New Document() ' add page to pages collection of PDF file Dim page As Page = doc.Pages.Add() ' create Text Fragment instance Dim text As Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragment = New Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragment("link page number test to page 7") ' create local hyperlink instance Dim link As Aspose.Pdf.LocalHyperlink = New Aspose.Pdf.LocalHyperlink() ' set target page for link instance link.TargetPageNumber = 7 ' set TextFragment hyperlink text.Hyperlink = link ' add text to paragraphs collection of Page page.Paragraphs.Add(text) ' create new TextFragment instance text = New TextFragment("link page number test to page 1") ' TextFragment should be added over new page text.IsInNewPage = True ' create another local hyperlink instance link = New LocalHyperlink() ' set Target page for second hyperlink link.TargetPageNumber = 1 ' set link for second TextFragment text.Hyperlink = link ' add text to paragraphs collection of page object page.Paragraphs.Add(text) ' create a loop instance Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To 10 ' add blank pages to PDF file doc.Pages.Add() Next ' save resultant file doc.Save("c:/pdftest/LocalHyperLink.pdf")


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