Abc is abbreviated as abstract base class in python. Abstract class can not instantiate with abstract methods. Abc is a form of interface checking which checks for particular methods. It works by using methods of base class as abstract. Here, ABCWithConcreteImplementation is an abstract base class, which is not possible to instantiate or to use it directly.
import abc
from cStringIO import StringIO
class ABCWithConcreteImplementation(object):
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def retrieve_values(self, input):
print 'base class reading data'
class ConcreteOverride(ABCWithConcreteImplementation):
def retrieve_values(self, input):
base_data = super(ConcreteOverride, self).retrieve_values(input)
print 'subclass sorting data'
response = sorted(base_data.splitlines())
return response
input = StringIO("""line one
line two
line three
reader = ConcreteOverride()
print reader.retrieve_values(input)
To run the code:
$ python